


Ancient grains see their origin going back to human culture roots. They are called ancient because they have been grown since ages but have been largely unchanged over all these years. They are inherently more nourishing with each grain offering more wholesome and nutrient rich health benefits. We specialize in supplying gluten free ancient grains like buckwheat, teff, millet and amaranth globally right from where they are grown to where they are needed the most.


Though the name suggests, Buckwheat is not a true “wheat”but a gluten free pseudo-grain. It was one of the first crops grown by the early American settlers. Canada is one of the major producers of Buckwheat. Buckwheat groats and flour are a staple of many gluten-free nutritional cereals and porridges, and buckwheat pancakes. It is also high in soluble fiber, which can help to regulate blood sugar for those with diabetes or high blood sugar.

    Buckwheat is mineral rich and contains:-

  • 0.25 mg of copper (12% RDA)
  • 0.68 mg of manganese (34% RDA)
  • 85.7 mg of magnesium (21% RDA)


Teff grain native to Ethiopia is 100% Non-Gmo and gluten free. It is the smallest grain in the world but a nutritional powerhouse. With its mild nutty flavour along with its hush is a versatile and exotic addition to your favourite porridge, pilaf, stew or baked goods. Teff is also rich in its vitamin C content and high in resistant starch, a type of dietary fiber that can benefit blood sugar management and weight control.

    Nutrition facts for 1 cup cooked Teff :-

  • 123 mg of calcium (12% RDA) equal to the amount in ½-cup cooked spinach
  • 7.1 grams of fiber (28% RDA)
  • 9.0 grams of protein (20% RDA)
  • 5.2 mg of iron (29% RDA)
  • 7.2 mg of manganese (an amazing 360% RDA)


Millets are indigenous to many parts of the world. Nutrient rich and gluten free Millet can be used in it whole form, flour or ground. The grain is tiny and round and can be white, gray, yellow or red. Nutritively millets can be used for making breads, baked goods, porridges and salad ingredient.

    1 cup cooked Millet contains Nutrient DRI/DV :-

  • Copper 31%
  • Phosphorus 25%
  • Manganese 20%
  • Magnesium 18%


A gluten free staple food of the Aztecs, Amaranth has been cultivated in South America since 8000 years. It is pseudo cereal high in fiber and wins in its protein content ie 13-14%. It has a peppery taste and is high in amino acid lysine. The plant usually grows to around five or six feet and is maroon or crimson in color.

    One cup of cooked Amaranth contains:-

  • 9.3 grams of protein, or 19% of the daily recommendation.
  • 0.28 mg of vitamin B6 (14% of RDA)
  • 5.2 mg of iron (29% RDA)
  • 160 mg of magnesium (40% RDA)
  • 2.1 mg manganese (105% RDA)

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